3D printing of biodegradable parts using renewable biobased materials (bibtex)

by H. Zeidler, D. Klemm, F. Böttger-Hiller, S. Fritsch, M. J. L. Guen, S. Singamneni

The paper presents ways of utilising the additive manufacturing process 3D-printing using renewable biobased materials, with a focus on adapted packaging for sensitive components. This application provides an attractive scenario for sustainable production and the re- or upcycling of waste material such as wood flour, rice husk or miscanthus fibre. Packaging of prototypes with sensitive or filigree structures or made of fragile materials is currently difficult, because standardized packages are often not suitable and cost for adapted packages are high. Within this study, CAD-data based adapted packaging made of renewable raw materials is addressed. The 3D-printing process was modified for using conditioned biobased fibre and a special binder. Furthermore, a software tool was developed to create adapted packaging designs by using the individual part geometry. In this way and in combination with AM processes, sustainable and biodegradable packaging for complex components can be generated within a short time. The manufactured packaging is conform to the demands of packaging for fragile goods and can be produced just-in-time.
Zeidler, H., Klemm, D., Böttger-Hiller, F., Fritsch, S., Guen, M. J. L., Singamneni, S.: 3D printing of biodegradable parts using renewable biobased materials, Procedia Manufacturing 21, 117-124, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Zeidler, H. and Klemm, D. and Böttger-Hiller, F. and Fritsch, S. and Guen, M. J. L. and Singamneni, S.},
  title     = {3D printing of biodegradable parts using renewable biobased materials},
  journal   = {Procedia Manufacturing},
  year      = {2018},
  volume    = {21},
  pages     = {117--124},
  month     = mar,
  abstract  = {The paper presents ways of utilising the additive manufacturing process 3D-printing using renewable biobased materials, with a focus on adapted packaging for sensitive components. This application provides an attractive scenario for sustainable production and the re- or upcycling of waste material such as wood flour, rice husk or miscanthus fibre. Packaging of prototypes with sensitive or filigree structures or made of fragile materials is currently difficult, because standardized packages are often not suitable and cost for adapted packages are high. Within this study, CAD-data based adapted packaging made of renewable raw materials is addressed. The 3D-printing process was modified for using conditioned biobased fibre and a special binder. Furthermore, a software tool was developed to create adapted packaging designs by using the individual part geometry.

In this way and in combination with AM processes, sustainable and biodegradable packaging for complex components can be generated within a short time. The manufactured packaging is conform to the demands of packaging for fragile goods and can be produced just-in-time.},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.promfg.2018.02.101},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
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