Effect of sample geometry on the macroscopic shear deformation of the titanium alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al subjected to quasi-static and dynamic compression-shear loading (bibtex)

by S. Winter, M. Scholze, M. F.-X. Wagner

We investigate the evolution of shear bands in a Ti-10V-3Fe-2Al alloy with three different initial microstructures: solution-annealed β-titanium, β-titanium with primary α-phase precipitates as well as a condition with primary and secondary α-phase precipitates. Quasi-static and dynamic testing of compression-shear specimens with strain rates of 10-3 s-1 and 102 s-1 is performed at room temperature. The influence of two different sample geometries on the macroscopic shearing tendency is investigated: samples with a cylindrical cross section and samples with a square cross section. The results of digital image correlation and the nominal stress-strain behavior under quasi-static and dynamic loading indicate a stronger localization tendency of the aged conditions with additional α-phase precipitates compared to the solution-annealed pure β-condition. Our results also demonstrate that compression-shear testing with samples with a square cross-section reduces facet loss, increases the resolution even at high strain rates and therefore allows to analyze strain distributions during shear band formation and propagation with higher accuracy.
Winter, S., Scholze, M. and Wagner, M. F.-X.: Effect of sample geometry on the macroscopic shear deformation of the titanium alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al subjected to quasi-static and dynamic compression-shear loading, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1147, 012014, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Winter, S. and Scholze, M. and Wagner, M. F.-X.},
  journal   = {{IOP} Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
  title     = {Effect of sample geometry on the macroscopic shear deformation of the titanium alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al subjected to quasi-static and dynamic compression-shear loading},
  year      = {2021},
  month     = may,
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {012014},
  volume    = {1147},
  abstract  = {We investigate the evolution of shear bands in a Ti-10V-3Fe-2Al alloy with three different initial microstructures: solution-annealed β-titanium, β-titanium with primary α-phase precipitates as well as a condition with primary and secondary α-phase precipitates. Quasi-static and dynamic testing of compression-shear specimens with strain rates of 10\textsuperscript{-3} s\textsuperscript{-1} and 10\textsuperscript{2} s\textsuperscript{-1} is performed at room temperature. The influence of two different sample geometries on the macroscopic shearing tendency is investigated: samples with a cylindrical cross section and samples with a square cross section. The results of digital image correlation and the nominal stress-strain behavior under quasi-static and dynamic loading indicate a stronger localization tendency of the aged conditions with additional α-phase precipitates compared to the solution-annealed pure β-condition. Our results also demonstrate that compression-shear testing with samples with a square cross-section reduces facet loss, increases the resolution even at high strain rates and therefore allows to analyze strain distributions during shear band formation and propagation with higher accuracy.},
  doi       = {10.1088/1757-899x/1147/1/012014},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
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