Design of a medical non-linear drilling device: The influence of twist and wear on the fatigue behaviour of NiTi wires subjected to bending rotation (bibtex)

by M. Wagner, J. Richter, J. Frenzel, D. Grönemeyer, G. Eggeler

This paper considers fundamental and experimental aspects associated with the engineering design of a medical, non-linear drilling device which exploits shape memory pseudoelasticity of NiTi wires. For this application it is important that the NiTi wires have a good fatigue resistance. This is why the present authors have previously determined the influence of various parameters on cyclic life, crack growth and stress state of pseudoelastic wires subjected to bending rotation fatigue. The actual drilling device has to withstand twist in addition to bending rotation because the free rotation is constrained by friction between the drill head and the bone material. In addition, friction between the wire and aNiTi guiding tube results in wear and this may well promote fatigue crack nucleation. In this paper, we explain the function of the medical drill. We then report results on the effect of the additional parameters (1) twist and (2) wear on the fatigue life of thin pseudoelastic NiTi wires. We finally discuss the implications of our experimental results for the design process of the medical drilling device.
Wagner, M., Richter, J., Frenzel, J., Grönemeyer, D., Eggeler, G.: Design of a medical non-linear drilling device: The influence of twist and wear on the fatigue behaviour of NiTi wires subjected to bending rotation, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 35, 320-325, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
  author   = {Wagner, M. and Richter, J. and Frenzel, J. and Gr\"{o}nemeyer, D. and Eggeler, G.},
  journal  = {Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik},
  title    = {{Design of a medical non-linear drilling device: The influence of twist and wear on the fatigue behaviour of {NiTi} wires subjected to bending rotation}},
  year     = {2004},
  issn     = {09335137},
  number   = {5},
  pages    = {320--325},
  volume   = {35},
  abstract = {This paper considers fundamental and experimental aspects associated with the engineering design of a medical, non-linear drilling device which exploits shape memory pseudoelasticity of NiTi wires. For this application it is important that the NiTi wires have a good fatigue resistance. This is why the present authors have previously determined the influence of various parameters on cyclic life, crack growth and stress state of pseudoelastic wires subjected to bending rotation fatigue. The actual drilling device has to withstand twist in addition to bending rotation because the free rotation is constrained by friction between the drill head and the bone material. In addition, friction between the wire and aNiTi guiding tube results in wear and this may well promote fatigue crack nucleation. In this paper, we explain the function of the medical drill. We then report results on the effect of the additional parameters (1) twist and (2) wear on the fatigue life of thin pseudoelastic NiTi wires. We finally discuss the implications of our experimental results for the design process of the medical drilling device.},
  doi      = {10.1002/mawe.200400741},
  isbn     = {1521-4052},
  keywords = {Influence of twist and wear, Medical drill, Pseudoelastic NiTi wires, Structural fatigue},
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