Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of a Mini-Thixoformed Tool Steel (bibtex)

by I. Sen, H. Jirková, B. Mašek, M. Böhme, M.F.-X. Wagner

We report on mini-thixoforming of a hard and wear-resistant crucible particle metallurgy tool steel. Significant microstructural modifications associated with the special semisolid forming process are characterized in detail by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The mechanical performance of the material is assessed both pre-thixoforming and post-thixoforming by nanoindentation of the constituent phases. The novel microstructural changes that result from mini-thixoforming, which are discussed in this article for the first time, are beneficial in further improving the hardness of the steel.
Sen, I., Jirková, H., Mašek, B., Böhme, M., Wagner, M.F.-X.: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of a Mini-Thixoformed Tool Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 3034-3038, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {{Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of a Mini-Thixoformed Tool Steel}},
  Author                   = {Sen, I. and Jirkov\'{a}, H. and Ma\v{s}ek, B. and B\"{o}hme, M. and Wagner, M.F.-X.},
  Journal                  = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A},
  Year                     = {2012},
  Number                   = {9},
  Pages                    = {3034--3038},
  Volume                   = {43},

  Abstract                 = {We report on mini-thixoforming of a hard and wear-resistant crucible particle metallurgy tool steel. Significant microstructural modifications associated with the special semisolid forming process are characterized in detail by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The mechanical performance of the material is assessed both pre-thixoforming and post-thixoforming by nanoindentation of the constituent phases. The novel microstructural changes that result from mini-thixoforming, which are discussed in this article for the first time, are beneficial in further improving the hardness of the steel.},
  Doi                      = {10.1007/s11661-012-1305-3},
  ISSN                     = {1073-5623},
  Url                      = {http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=3&SID=Z1Co7bKpB61Jail@JfK&page=1&doc=106}
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