Corrosion characteristics of a quenching and partitioning steel determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (bibtex)

by T. Mehner, R. Morgenstern, P. Frint, I. Scharf, M. F.-X. Wagner, T. Lampke

Among the advanced high-strength steels, quenching and partitioning ( Q&P) steels provide excellent ultimate tensile strength in combination with good ductility. The mass fraction of martensite and austenite can be tailored by the Q&P treatment. In this study, the impact of the microstructure on the corrosion behaviour is investigated. For this, the microstructures of two Q&P processing routes and a quenched and tempered state are analysed using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is conducted using two different media in order to determine the time evolution of corrosion rates during short-time corrosion. The results of this study demonstrate that correlations between Q&P microstructures and the corrosion behaviour can be analysed in detail with these experimental methods.
Mehner, T., Morgenstern, R., Frint, P., Scharf, I., Wagner, M. F.-X., Lampke, T.: Corrosion characteristics of a quenching and partitioning steel determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 373, 012003, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Mehner, T. and Morgenstern, R. and Frint, P. and Scharf, I. and Wagner, M. F.-X. and Lampke, T.},
  title     = {Corrosion characteristics of a quenching and partitioning steel determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy},
  journal   = {{IOP} Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
  year      = {2018},
  volume    = {373},
  pages     = {012003},
  month     = {jun},
  abstract  = {Among the advanced high-strength steels, quenching and partitioning ( {Q\&P}) steels
provide excellent ultimate tensile strength in combination with good ductility. The mass fraction
of martensite and austenite can be tailored by the  {Q\&P} treatment. In this study, the impact of the
microstructure on the corrosion behaviour is investigated. For this, the microstructures of two
 {Q\&P} processing routes and a quenched and tempered state are analysed using scanning electron
microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is conducted using
two different media in order to determine the time evolution of corrosion rates during short-time
corrosion. The results of this study demonstrate that correlations between  {Q\&P} microstructures
and the corrosion behaviour can be analysed in detail with these experimental methods.},
  doi       = {10.1088/1757-899x/373/1/012003},
  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
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