Technical-economic evaluation of severe plastic deformation processing technologies\textemdashmethodology and use case of lever-arm-shaped aircraft lightweight components (bibtex)

by F. Herold, A. Schmidt, P. Frint, U. Götze, M. F.-X. Wagner

This paper presents an innovative methodology for integrated technical-economic evaluations of extrusion technologies and aims to show potentials of severe plastic deformation (SPD) technologies. Extrusion technologies and processes such as SPD have a strong influence on properties of aluminium-based lightweight materials. Hence, research and development regarding such processes may contribute to gain competitive advantages for companies as they can differentiate from competitors by offering or processing materials with distinctive properties (e.g. light weight and high yield strength) causing customer’s benefit. Consequently, it is of great importance for companies of the aluminium extrusion industry to select technologies that are promising from both a technical and an economic point of view. Using the integrated methodology, selected SPD technologies are analysed. The application to the use case of lever-arm-shaped aircraft components shows that these technologies bear technical as well as considerable economic potentials: extrusion at room temperature can increase yield strength by 25%compared to commercial extrusion at a similar level of manufacturing costs and the monetary appraisal of the benefits of lower weight for the users of aircraft components indicates a significant economic potential of extrusion at room temperature.
Herold, F., Schmidt, A., Frint, P., Götze, U., Wagner, M. F.-X.: Technical-economic evaluation of severe plastic deformation processing technologies\textemdashmethodology and use case of lever-arm-shaped aircraft lightweight components, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 94, 3619-3632, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Herold, F. and Schmidt, A. and Frint, P. and Götze, U. and Wagner, M. F.-X.},
  title     = {Technical-economic evaluation of severe plastic deformation processing technologies{\textemdash}methodology and use case of lever-arm-shaped aircraft lightweight components},
  journal   = {The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {94},
  number    = {9-12},
  pages     = {3619-3632},
  month     = sep,
  abstract  = {This paper presents an innovative methodology for
integrated technical-economic evaluations of extrusion technologies
and aims to show potentials of severe plastic deformation
(SPD) technologies. Extrusion technologies and processes
such as SPD have a strong influence on properties of
aluminium-based lightweight materials. Hence, research and
development regarding such processes may contribute to gain
competitive advantages for companies as they can differentiate
from competitors by offering or processing materials with
distinctive properties (e.g. light weight and high yield
strength) causing customer’s benefit. Consequently, it is of
great importance for companies of the aluminium extrusion
industry to select technologies that are promising from both a
technical and an economic point of view. Using the integrated
methodology, selected SPD technologies are analysed. The
application to the use case of lever-arm-shaped aircraft components
shows that these technologies bear technical as well
as considerable economic potentials: extrusion at room temperature
can increase yield strength by 25%compared to commercial
extrusion at a similar level of manufacturing costs and
the monetary appraisal of the benefits of lower weight for the
users of aircraft components indicates a significant economic
potential of extrusion at room temperature.},
  doi       = {10.1007/s00170-017-0921-x},
  publisher = {Springer Nature},
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