Microstructural evolution during tension-compression in-plane deformation of a pure aluminum sheet (bibtex)

by M. Härtel, B. Bohne, M.F.-X. Wagner

Classically, the Bauschinger effect refers to a reduction of yield strength after a load path change. In this contribution, we present results of an experimental and microstructural investigation on Bauschinger effects in an AA1050 sheet metal (with 1 mm thickness) subjected to in-plane uniaxial loading. We performed tension-compression tests with different values of maximum tensile strains in a novel tool that was specifically designed to avoid buckling under compressive loading. Our experimental results show that the sheet material exhibits distinct Bauschinger effects. At different stages of deformation, we interrupted the tests and prepared samples for transmission electron microscopy. Our microstructural observations allow rationalizing the occurrence and magnitude of the observed Bauschinger effects.
Härtel, M., Bohne, B. and Wagner, M.F.-X.: Microstructural evolution during tension-compression in-plane deformation of a pure aluminum sheet, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 181, 012024, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Härtel, M. and Bohne, B. and Wagner, M.F.-X.},
  journal   = {IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
  title     = {Microstructural evolution during tension-compression in-plane deformation of a pure aluminum sheet},
  year      = {2017},
  issn      = {1757-899X},
  month     = {Mar},
  pages     = {012024},
  volume    = {181},
  abstract  = {Classically, the Bauschinger effect refers to a reduction of yield strength after a load path change. In this contribution, we present results of an experimental and microstructural investigation on Bauschinger effects in an AA1050 sheet metal (with 1 mm thickness) subjected to in-plane uniaxial loading. We performed tension-compression tests with different values of maximum tensile strains in a novel tool that was specifically designed to avoid buckling under compressive loading. Our experimental results show that the sheet material exhibits distinct Bauschinger effects. At different stages of deformation, we interrupted the tests and prepared samples for transmission electron microscopy. Our microstructural observations allow rationalizing the occurrence and magnitude of the observed Bauschinger effects.},
  doi       = {10.1088/1757-899x/181/1/012024},
  groups    = {[bomar:]},
  publisher = {IOP Publishing},
  url       = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/181/1/012024},
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