On the correlation of shear band formation and texture evolution in α-brass during accumulative roll bonding (bibtex)

by M. Böhme, M. F.-X. Wagner

We studied the microstructural evolution of the low stacking fault energy α-brass alloy CuZn15 during accumulative roll bonding (ARB). Most notably, the typical brass-type texture was clearly observed after four ARB passes (approx. 93.8 \% total thickness reduction), before significant shear localization set in. This observation contradicts the widely accepted idea that shear band formation is a necessary prerequisite for the development of the brass type texture, indicating that the two phenomena, shear banding and development of the brass texture, are only correlated in ARB, and that their order of appearance can be switched depending on experimental parameters.
Böhme, M., Wagner, M. F.-X.: On the correlation of shear band formation and texture evolution in α-brass during accumulative roll bonding, Scripta Materialia 154, 172-175, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Böhme, M. and Wagner, M. F.-X.},
  title     = {On the correlation of shear band formation and texture evolution in α-brass during accumulative roll bonding},
  journal   = {Scripta Materialia},
  year      = {2018},
  volume    = {154},
  pages     = {172-175},
  month     = {sep},
  abstract  = {We studied the microstructural evolution of the low stacking fault energy α-brass alloy CuZn15 during accumulative roll bonding (ARB). Most notably, the typical brass-type texture was clearly observed after four ARB passes (approx. 93.8 \% total thickness reduction), before significant shear localization set in. This observation contradicts the widely accepted idea that shear band formation is a necessary prerequisite for the development of the brass type texture, indicating that the two phenomena, shear banding and development of the brass texture, are only correlated in ARB, and that their order of appearance can be switched depending on experimental parameters.},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.05.044},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
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